New Homeowner Database
Home Equity Loan Prospect Database: This database contains the names and telephone numbers of the most recent homeowners on the market. These homeowners are ideal to target for home equity loans.
First Time Homebuyer Prospect Database
Nationwide Renters: This master database of renters allows you to target renters nationwide by specific geographic area.
Renters by Lease Expiration: Select your rental prospects based on the date their lease is about to expire.
Renters by Household Income: Select your rental prospects based on ranges of household income.
Conventional Mortgageholders: This database contains names, addresses, and telephone numbers of conventional loanholders. It is selectable by Loan Date and Loan Amount.
VA Mortgageholders: This database contains names, addresses, and telephone numbers of VA loanholders. It is selectable by Loan Date and Loan Amount.
FHA Mortgageholders: This database contains names, addresses, and telephone numbers of FHA loanholders. It is selectable by Loan Date and Loan Amount.
Adjustable Rate Mortgageholders: This database contains names, addresses, and telephone numbers of Adjustable Rate loanholders. It is selectable by Loan Date and Loan Amount.
Reverse Mortgage Prospects: This database allows you to custom-build a list of Reverse Mortgage prospects. All prospects in this database are age 64 or older. You select the amount of Home Equity and Home Market Value you wish to target.
Real Estate Investors: All prospects in this database have been confirmed to own real estate investment property or have indicated an active interest in real estate investment. This database is selectable by the prospect's household income.
Mortgage Information File: This database allows you to custom-build a list of prospects based on several mortgage-based criteria. You can select your prospects by Loan Type, Loan Date, Loan Amount, Interest Rate Type, Available Equity, LTV, Home Market Value, and Length of Residence.
Real Property Information File: This database allows you to custom-build a list of prospects based on several property-based criteria. You can select your prospects by Home Square Footage, Year of Construction, Home Market Value, Lot Square Footage, Presence of a Pool, Length of Residence, and Homeowner/Renter status.